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Meet our Speakers

Learn from some of the most productive powerhouses alive today. You're going to be WOWed by their strategies and insights, but most of all, you'll love their beautiful souls and how encouraged and equipped you'll feel to go get stuff done!

Kate Decker

Kate Decker

Featured Speaker, Certified Life & Strength Coach

Ginny Dent Brant

Ginny Dent Brant

Author, Speaker & Cancer Coach

Janet McHenry

Janet McHenry

Author, Speaker, Coach, Sierra Valley Writers Retreat Host

Jennifer Mosby

Jennifer Mosby

Speaker & Life Coach


Subjecting Health & Nutrition to Jesus Christ

Jennifer Mosby

Dispel Myths: Learn Healthy Exercise Tips

Kate Decker

Prayerwalking: Becoming a Woman of Prayer, Strength, and Discipline

Janet McHenry

The Healing Power of Nutrition & Exercise

Ginny Dent Brant